Court interpreting
Court interpreting is used namely when providing communication using different languages in the courts, such as drafting of notarial deeds, witnesses hearings and witness testimonies, or charges against defendants. It is also used during the court hearings, marriages, proceedings before state authorities and whenever the situation requires the presence of an interpreter who performs his tasks under Decree of the Ministry of Justice of the Slovak Republic No. 491/2004 Coll. As a court interpreter I interpret from Slovak, English, Spanish and French.

Conference interpreting
Consecutive interpreting (short and long consecutive intepreting used during business meettings and discussions)
Simultaneous interpreting (includes whispered interpreting or sight translation)
Guided tours (interpreting during visits, sightseeing, tours and trips abroad)
Consecutive interpreting or subsequent interpreting means interpreting after short or long parts of the speech given by the speaker during which the interpreter takes notes and begins to interpret only when the speaker stops speaking.
Simultaneous intepreting or booth interpreting means the concurrent mode of interpreting in which the interpreter speaks at the same time as the speaker and does not wait until the speaker finishes his speech. This mode of intepreting is used for international conferences, meetings, symposias, colloquials, etc. When interpreting, the interpreter uses special interpreting equipment and will sit within the interpreters´booth. A specific kind of simultaneous interpreting is ‘whispered interpreting’ or ‘chuchotage’ which means that the intepreter whispers the utterance for one or more clients while sat at their side. This mode of simultaneous interpreting does not require special interpreting equipment.
As a holder of the European Masters of Conference Intepreting Diploma, issued by the Faculty of Arts in Lisbon, I interpret from and into Spanish, from French, Portuguese and English into Slovak.